Delivering dissident, defiant Black Metal art under a blaze of unblessed banners across a decade of indignation, upholding tradition and tribe, Gaspesian oppugnant Finian Patraic chooses here and now to issue a heartfelt manifesto:

Mephisto’s Manifesto; the devil speaks.

I am interrupting briefly this feed of non-sense propaganda to clarify some information about the music and the art I have decided to craft for 10 years now. Since I am denied access to speak my mind or can’t express the other side of the story on most forums that clearly stipulate to never spread false information or personal identity, which they are doing right now, I will share my part. You probably know that freedom of speech is working only one way with these justice warriors, saving you, the world, from our evil ways.

The ideas behind the music I have been releasing are taken out of the concept of nativism. A person, born and raised on a land should never struggle to access culture, language, traditions originally from that land and should never see this right taken away by foreigners or strong foreign presence. That does not take consideration of skin color or any other physical difference. Those who spread false information on me forgot to mention that I don’t pick friends judging by what they look like.

The native, right given by birth, should also fight when he feels his culture is about to become extinct, especially when the liberal ideas of giving power to individual freedoms, not community freedoms, and to form new states of unknown people with no cultural or biological belonging are forced in. Or, in another way, announce to people confused with identity or cultural belonging that they don’t have to worry and life is beautiful. Per example, Quebeckers. I have seen with my own eyes the Saint Jean Baptiste from the early days, having the biggest bonfires I’ve seen of my life. Now there is barely one hundred people, mostly old people, that are attending the festivities. Pride and belonging is gone. Nobody cares. A total decline and disgrace.

What is alarming is that newcomers are mostly born community people, on the other side of the ocean, mostly by religion or tradition, so they will gather back here and create their own community on the welcoming land, with their own kind, rejecting the original forefathers or their descending children, then the cultural and ancestral footprint. Now, nativism is not a code of laws, since you can be born from mixed ancestry, indigenous and Irish, and decide to worship European Nordic Ancestral Paganism and deny any belonging to the indigenous land, rejecting everything that is not white, per example. Which I did not do. The easiest path for me would’ve been to use white power antics and try to clean the earth of what is not white. I was born Christian French Canadian (with English as a first language) from Irish descent with a link to native America on the other branch. What a nightmare for someone who wants to claim an identity. So yes, it does apply to gender confused people. They feel the need to create a community of their own, even a flag of their own. They don’t belong in society anymore. Because they were given the individual freedom to do it. The ancient society or cultural group has become obsolete and it is not uplifting cultural duties (patrimony) anymore, for the survival of one group per example. The important aspect to focus on here is why are they gender confused, but this is another topic we are not diving into today.

This now guides us to one undeniable fact: coast lands have seen people arriving from the four corners of the earth since the 1600s. Well, even before that with Spanish Basques or Vikings. According to most popular opinion, you cannot use concepts of « nativism » and attack the principles of immigration when most of us, even the ones that say they are true Americans, have a bit of European ancestry. I think this can be debated when you focus on the timeline. How old is your belonging to this land? Who is the most relevant, the 200 years old native born ancestor or the 800 years old native born ancestor? How long will it take for a group of people to be able to claim a native identity? What if one identity or claim can only exist in the presence of another one claiming the opposite? We are native because you are not. Here, one good example: Quebec’s war between the French and English. Fighting for a land that didn’t belong to any of them. Conflict, tragedy and aftermath shaped a new identity that can be claimed by French Canadians or people born in Quebec who receive Quebecois education and language today. A Quebecois identity can be claimed, starting from a certain date. You just can’t erase history and forget the hanging of the Patriotes, in my book. Yes, I know some people that are claiming another identity, one completely independent from Quebec or Canada, and just not giving a fuck about what is related to New France history. Continuing in this order of ideas, if you think about it, any native person on planet earth was once a stranger to his land. But the ones who arrived first are, without any question, the ones in power to claim native status? What if you are conquered and lose a war? We have seen that cultural belonging is a very strong ideology and can survive even under political pressure or cultural diversity. Because of some diehard psycho deranged nationalist people, I guess. So, all this identity quest is very complicated if you look at culture, politics, history, war and treaties… I mean, two thousand years! Or even more! Well, here is one thing, I don’t feel like a European. My home is where I was born. That is why I can never leave it behind, or pretend I am not from the land.Let’s push it a little bit deeper. The countryside for me is the last remaining rampart of tradition and culture. Just to mention one easy example, you can’t hunt in the big city. I was never able to move out of my land, because I have a very strong connection and belonging, sacred and indestructible. I almost believe it is some sort of an illness. Behind the music I do, there is a constant fight for preservation of the land I’ve known since birth, because yes, some elements, physical or spiritual, haven’t been touched or erased yet, dating from day 1 of our history. I think that one Acadian family that came here in the 1700s and are still giving birth to children on the land are someway somehow going back to the origins, if they care enough for tradition. What shaped the people of our land? The wind, the waves, the seasons, the environment, the rivers, the birds, the sunsets. Also, the stories, the legends, the great expeditions, the great hunt. Yes, Gaspesian history has recorded multiple arrivals of foreigners. Yet, a small portion of them are still here today, refusing to leave behind the land, continuing the tradition of surviving, using ancestral practices and romanticizing the land they’ve known since birth. How long will it take for this family to be able to claim native Gaspesian identity? As for my own self, I am not a colonizer. I’ve decided to dig further into history, deeper than Acadian or French Quebecois conflicts. I am aiming for the oldest and truest form of heritage, a right given by birth and by blood. Why? First to fill the spiritual emptiness of a dead Jesus. Second, to give proper meaning to my existence.

So, maybe not to you, but to me, having no identity is punishment and slow killing. And I really despise people that can call home everywhere they decide to live. They can move to one place or another without any concern. Sometimes, they come back to their birthplace for a week of vacation and even mock the people still there, speaking and acting very differently from the time they were home. They really need to show us, remaining and fighting ones, how they succeeded in life by leaving the land behind.

The imagery, concept, theme, artist names of other side projects are linked to a disdain for communist ways, or other political children of it, and new globalist ideas of destroying fatherlands, by transforming countries in aggregates of people interacting with only individualistic wills and worth regarding the money or power they have. Here, individualism applies to a lot of us misanthropists. But still, I am a lone wolf looking for his tribe, but finding only strangers around, or people I do not have resemblance with, since most of the people I grew up with have left for the big city. No misanthrope was born a misanthrope, I believe.

It is also a crusade against all Abrahamic religions; in the way a crusade should be, with no pity. It’s not just Jesus…

Now, for those who still cannot process these ideas. Back in the days of tribal America, there was almost no political power. You know what happened when the political game arrived. Who is guilty of erasing tribal people or life? White people or Evolution? But still, guns over arrows, swords over tomahawks. History speaks, yet we interpret as we wish, as independent capitalist individuals. Love me, hate me, my capitalist brother. We row side by side in the same boat, me, the so called fascist, and you, the neo-communist.

The concept of a « tribe » according to my personal view and to my own research and experience (I have to say that because, yes, it may appear wrong or false to some of you) is that no tribe member should ever dare to act as an independent individual. Some romance in movies has shown how « free » the indigenous people were in their golden era, still the fact remains that being in a tribe comes with duty and commitment. In a time of wild survivalism, if one member fails at doing one task, a task assigned by the chief (leader in position of authority, this one is for the anarchists using indigenous flags in their protests) and elders to maintain life, culture and tradition in the tribe, it can have a very dramatic impact and may lead to putting the tribe in danger (survive or die!). That being said, there is a parallel between tribes and homogeneous communities, debated in my essay, which stipulates that like in a tribe, if you don’t participate physically or spiritually in the great effort of keeping this group alive, and maintain the cultural cells alive in the great body, you will be kicked out without a trial. We can also use the permission to think that 500 years ago, it was even more cruel than just a « kick in the arse ». That is why most of you people are witch hunting artists like me. You cannot decompose such ideas and you will simply go out using the easiest tag (nazionale) and then build a tower of accusations on a base made out of misinterpretations and suspicions, with the great help of your government funds and liberal partnership. This is also why our definition of « commune » differs. You will give food and shelter to the ones who are not aiming for strength, determination or commitment. In my own concept of commune, you lazy ass crying babies are kicked out and are invited to survive outside the walls, or should I say, outside the tribe’s fences.

On the idea of useful foreigners’ influence on culture and ways, yes, to be completely close minded and hermetic can be a big mistake. Imagine if the Beothuks had found swords and other tools from the outside world. Yes, when it comes to survival or technology, intelligence, it can add powerful tools to one group. But the danger is when the actual foreigner tries to build on top of what is already there. That is why I believe in strict and controlled immigration and borders. Your border free concept of the world is just a dream and when you will be exposed to true danger, only then will you try to reach what is left of your survival skills?

Born in a modern society, how can one worship tribal survivalism but in the meantime ignore the new fight that nationalism brings, since the coming of new people has reached high levels? Technology has upgraded our hunting game, and if you don’t already know, my plan is not to go back naked and barefoot into the forest. I want to give spiritual meaning and cultural power to this ancestral practice (hunting) that refuses to die in my family. Like a wise man once said, have a spiritual life with hints of technology, not a technological life with hints of spirituality.

My concept of tribalism is not globalist and inclusive. I am sorry for you if the education you spent 10 years on told you to believe the opposite. Also, the concept of uniting all American tribes under one word or people, native to call it such, is to me an impossible task. Sure, when the first treaties were made, the native term was born, regrouping, for once, American tribes and to protect land against European invasion. If you don’t agree with me, I have no trouble sleeping at night. Write a book, do an album and spread what you think is the truth. But do not share my family privacy, only then I can use other ways to speak my mind or show you how I protect family and privacy. As you mostly know, I was not born black metal. I chose black metal to liberate my wild self from the people and society I despise with true disgust, and by this radical gesture, I would have access to forbidden ideas and doctrines that are evil to you, because you never step out of the concept of ideas they are teaching you. And that is why you people, defenders of humanity, are spreading wrong information on my name and relatives. Be sure that I will not stay silent or inactive about it. Those who are more into debating ideas, you can come any time in my face to do such, as I am not an idiot with a closed mind. I enjoy having a debate, even more when you can make me change my mind.

The evil music outside Ifernach was done in a non-polite, incendiary and hateful upbringing. I also want to mention that ideas and concepts are frozen in time with the music but also changing as the journey evolves. To bring back punchlines of interviews I did in the past while I was spreading my fire, under a name that is different, is simply not relevant in a regular day life basis, especially when you strip it down to my personal life and privacy. It was also a turning point by breaking in half past and future, destroying the person I was before and to burn all the bridges I’ve built with people I called brothers and friends, and setting new base for what was coming. Now they call me the enemy and it is somehow what I wanted. Now they want you to think I am your enemy too… by annihilating this very inclusive group of people and to reduce it to a very small, tribal, circle was my own decision and necessary. It was this or death. Because I did not belong there and I was suffering with great despair. I’ve decided to stay alive and exist in the shadows where none of them would ever dare to go. Still to me, the music is art. Dark art. What is art to you? Should it be provocative following no rules or should it be censored when it is too extreme? Our definition will surely be different. For a project like Aufnorden, that erupted like a volcano from the lockdown days, there is no politeness and respectfulness in there. Take these lines and artwork out of the context of creation and it will fit any antifa agenda or blog you are so proud to own and call yourself « The Admin » or « Keeper of the Only Truth ». But only one person here is using authoritarian ways. Finally, the cover I used is not existing, it was a cross. I edited the snow-covered cross and turned it into a wheel of luck. Fuck you all! That was my feeling when I did it. Still feeling it though…

If this album was not done already, I would be doing it today or tomorrow. To express my heart and guts in the meanest way possible.  And, move on to something that will emerge from it. Which I did.

Surprisingly, Aufnorden evolved into something very far from the initial concept, worshipping northern tribes without taking sides. See the song ‘Malsum’s Roar’ on ‘America Septentrionalis’, worshipping the warriors of Beothuk land holding their ground against the invaders from Iceland.

Anti Modernist’ sends also spears to Custer and Buffalo Bill. These fellas were not hailing from tribal cradles but from royal imperialism. A very huge stain of blood in American history, our history.Aufnorden is worshipping tribal existence, without taking any sides. Who said it? Well the artist behind the project himself! Still not convinced, well what can I do! Both Viking Age and North American Indigenous Age are « worshipped » in this musical essay. YOu CANnOT DO tHAT. Well I just did. What happened to the Beothuk? They died or they mixed with cousin tribe before extinction? According to the people who own the only truth, it is impossible that North American tribes and North European tribes, both indigenous, had a cultural impact on each other. They were just enemies. That’s how we should approach history nowadays.  I don’t believe so. This is why I look for both, and try to find the answers I am looking for. You don’t like it, well you need to cry about it? And looking at the world we have today… I don’t need to side with one or another.

Now, since you, antifa or other human being that owns the only truth possible, are completely not digesting what I do as an artist – not as a politician or activist because I am not involved in any groups or any political party – I will seize the opportunity to call myself Trans Native. Born with a forced identity, or in your own woke ways, born with wrong gender, I use the freedom and right given to me by modern liberal politics, and right given by birth, breaking the chains of my past belonging and mostly forcing you people to call me what I want you to call me.

That’s right. You cannot say I use this for privilege, what privilege? I cancelled myself in any ways possible and will never have a career with sponsorship, will never have a trophy or a #1 band on the chart, but this is not my definition of black metal. I am black metal in every way possible, just because I decide so and I claimed it by storm. You have no balls or courage to step out of the herd and think for yourself, do you? And the people that keep supporting me are there for the music, I do know that I possess some skills enough to craft an art of my own and spread it worldwide without selling my soul to any big companies or touring agency, then I would have to excuse any behavior or opinion that is different from the popular opinion. Hell no. I’d rather play a fucking stockroom in Skidrow LA owned by a Chinese cokehead instead of a company boosted Open Air. Go tell the Spanish speaking Mexicans that they cannot worship their true indigenous culture, see how they will react to your hippie views. Everyone is free, are they? Should they? Should you? Am I? What is freedom? Define freedom for me. Freedom nowadays is being empty, having nowhere to go, having no meaning to be alive.

You know I won’t call myself a trans native. But some of you may get the point. Now, regarding dangerous alliances with label publishing and collaborations with people that you might call « the enemy », you can ask dead Tecumseh why did he seal a pact with the British Crown to keep his lands. In war, you cannot use your hippie mentality to understand things, sadly.

Of course, people that are not concerned with a national belief will never understand what I am trying to say. What if a tribal emblem or a totem is the ancestor of a flag? I do think so. Tribes were tribes for a reason, look on the map you will see that they were not only one tribe from planet earth. You are from planet earth, I am from a certain land from a continent on planet earth, with history and battles that shaped what it is today, having mostly not much native born people left to defend it. And glory to the Rez people for keeping the lore alive… even today you still don’t want to bend the knee.  And I take much inspiration from you, Gaspesian warriors, a’jelpuguigl!

The rap project. To some of you that keeps portraying me as an evil cult leader, I did it because I obey my own self as an artist. And I am creative enough to do any kind of music. Still I do not consider myself a rapper. I think the values that Spotify and iTunes are spreading by these young gangsters are the real danger for the youth, not nationalist and patriotic anthems. My rap was speaking about having no gang, being alone and spending days in shooting ranges. And mostly not giving a fuck about my so called black metal status. I do not need any approval for being such, especially not from you. I am or I am not, you don’t decide.

Moosegut is and will always be about hunting, the cultural and powerful ancestral practice that enables me to connect with my land every day. One rare thing that survived all this modern non-sense. Those who say something else are idiots and are trying to cancel Moosegut for a logo, which is a wheel of luck and has no German reference. I suggest now that you use some brain, if it’s still possible. It is black metal so expect me to shake this PC world here and there. It truly needs a good beating!

Thus, some of you might have a solution for all my headaches: « just be a human from planet earth and your identity crisis will end »! No. I’ve seen the world you wokes are trying to build, and I will be against it as long as I am alive. Go ask why people from the Middle East are obliging their welcoming city to build a Mosque and a graveyard for them – because they will never be or claim to be something different than what they are. And they know who they are. This country named Canada is a joke. You don’t believe what I am saying, then why these fellas want to separate? NFL, QC, The Prairies… just to name a few.

Now finally to you, past friends that are spreading my infos and disdain of my own self, you rats were not there when I needed you. It is your definition of friendship, to watch a « loved one » drown and talk shit instead of helping. You stood there and watched me sink. This is common practice in the new communities I have spoken of earlier.

No, worst. You left this land behind. It is very understandable that you witch hunt, you, prisoner of group thinking, incapable of thinking for your own self, just to please the ones around you. And you will point the finger the second someone is stepping out, not to help him, but to burn him alive like a witch. Pathetic scum! This is my war. Alone against all. So you were not friends, you were enemy from the start. Still, no regrets on my behalf.

I see you, I hear you, from the top of my mountain. At war with you all.

Miserable cunts…

See you in hell!