Death Karma - A Life Not Worth LivingA suitably short review follows for a short record. “A Life Not Worth Living’ is the debut venture from Czech duo Death Karma, both of whom are also members of Cult Of Fire and Maniac Butcher. It’s a mini-album comprising four songs on either side of a nice 45rpm 12” record and boasting a running time of almost 18 minutes.

The bad thing about a short record is that you don’t get as much bang for your buck as you’d no doubt ideally like (not just because shipping charges are the same as for a full-length); the up side – when the music is good – is that you can listen to it two or three times in one sitting (well, make that four or six sittings, I suppose, seeing as the record won’t flip itself over).

Showcasing some fantastic subterranean, evil, dirty Death Metal, ‘A Life Not Worth Living’ is a truly enjoyable listening experience and one that has certainly whet my appetite concerning Death Karma’s future exploits. But – Spoiler Alert! –  don’t play this (as I did) if your children or younger siblings (or parents or boss etc. etc. etc.) are in close proximity…

Evilometer: 555/666