The unequivocal title of the forthcoming third Shaarimoth full-length gives the game away instantly and, yes, ‘Devildom’ is an elevated offering of pure, unadulterated evil. An intrinsic sense of evil emanates insidiously and unapologetically from every note and utterance, and the spaces in between. It’s almost as if Shaarimoth colluded with the adversarial one himself in conjuring these unholy hymns, which wilfully implore blight and darkness upon the world. As immutable co-creator / vocalist R rather matter-of-factly concedes, this is indeed the devil’s music…

Shrouded in all-consuming darkness and suitably scheduled for release on October 31st, the third Shaarimoth full-length, ‘Devildom’, is an immense and ominous sonic ritual radiating a supreme sense of malevolence that I can only interpret as pure evil. What is the nature and intent of the ‘evil’ you are celebrating and exploring on this record? The title would suggest the traditional (d)evil of the bible, but are we in fact dealing with a more ancient force, emanating from the cosmos itself and pulsing through the very fabric of every living thing?
“The concept of ‘evil’ in ‘Devildom’ is far more complex than traditional views suggest. We reject the simplistic binaries of good and evil, recognizing them as reflections of shifting societal norms that have changed dramatically over time. What is seen as ‘evil’ today may have been celebrated in a different era, and we have moved beyond those narrow definitions. Moral law, a construct of humanity, seeks to uplift the weak against the powerful, yet throughout history, actual laws have often undermined this moral vision. In the end, morality is hard to define and can’t be proven easily, it goes beyond clear judgments, leading us to reconsider what we believe.
“In crafting the lyrics for ‘Devildom’, we deliberately masked the identities of the deities we worked with to distance ourselves from the pseudo-occult and so-called satanic ‘scene’, which often approaches these matters without a true understanding of the subjects involved. By doing so, we also open our work to broader interpretations, inviting listeners to explore deeper themes that transcend conventional morality and specific thematic expressions. Shaarimoth is, and will forever be, the devil’s music, and even though we have expressed ourselves through different dogmas over time, the essence behind our music remains unwavering.
“I see no separation between magic and art. Ultimately, our exploration aims to open a nexion through which primordial energies can flow, and in the devil we find expression and manifestation of our darkest desires. We seek to channel ancient forces and connect with the primal energies that resonate with our higher selves, transcending our definitions of existence. It’s not about a simplistic view of evil; instead, we celebrate a rich tapestry of spiritual and acosmic elements that shape our music and art. In this light, ‘Devildom’ becomes a ritualistic expression that defies easy categorization, inviting listeners to reflect deeply on the nature of existence and the mysteries that lie beyond.”

Devotion to darkness and death dominates ‘Devildom’ from offering oneself as a vessel to the wrathful adversary in the opening supplication ‘Call to Prayer’ through the belligerent retribution of ‘The Midnight Sentinel’ (‘scorch the weak human dross’ / ‘set on fire the entire course of life’) and ‘Blade of Malediction’ (Ancient serpent of chaos, appear!; Wrathful accuser and opposer, appear!; Mighty liberator and transgressor, appear!; Destroyer of worlds, appear!’) to the solemn entreaty for forbidden gnosis of the embedded-above preview track ‘The Impulse of Rebellion’. Seems you have emphatically chosen a side in the spiritual war engulfing the earth?…
“It should be quite clear where we stand in this context. Our devotion lies firmly in the embrace of darkness and everything found within and beyond it, and we don’t shy away from that commitment. We acknowledge the usurper that brought forth existence and the forces that shape our flawed reality, but our essence does not align with it or what it represents.
“Instead, we choose to explore and embody the primal energies that resonate with our true selves and are of a completely opposite nature. This exploration is not merely a statement, it’s also a declaration of our purpose. In the face of existence, we resonate with the adversarial forces that challenge the status quo, and seek to return creation to its primeval state. Through our music, we celebrate the darker aspects of our nature and spirituality. This is not just about choosing sides, it’s about fully embracing the journey that comes with that choice.”

The record ends on a transcendent high with the vengeful and gloriously rapturous ‘For His Eyes of Judgement Are Forever Upon You’ – a bloodletting harvest of the world which heralds the ultimate victory for the Antichrist. This diabolical denouement inscribes ‘Devildom’ as a fitting soundtrack to ‘the end of days’, which some would contend is nigh. Is the day of reckoning approaching for humanity?
“We risk becoming the most informed society that has ever died of ignorance. The age of Mahapralaya is upon us, and while humanity bears much of the burden for its own decline, external forces also play a significant role. We are witnessing a profound descent into darkness, as the very fabric of existence unravels. The signs of this outer darkness are everywhere: new pandemics, the looming threat of nuclear war, climate catastrophe and natural disasters, all unfolding in the name of ignorance. All men are indeed guilty of their brothers’ crimes, carrying out faithless deeds in faithless times.
“In this context, it feels entirely natural for us to serve as the soundtrack to this downfall. Our music reflects the turmoil and despair that permeate the air, resonating with the dark energies that are surfacing. The final track, ‘For His Eyes of Judgement Are Forever Upon You’, captures this essence perfectly.
“Is the day of reckoning approaching for humanity? The signs are unmistakable, and through our music, we attempt to usher in the inevitable. As we embrace the darkness, we do so not just as observers, but as participants and heralds of the hungry end.”

Curiously, with the passing of time, many bands seem to surrender the conviction and fanaticism of their early days and opt for a more toned-down and restrained approach. The utter darkness permeating ‘Devildom’ would suggest that Shaarimoth is moving in the opposite direction, Is this a natural and linear continuation of your (artistic and spiritual) life’s work, or are you upping the ante on this release, taking things to a new level conceptually and musically?
“As time marches on, it’s disheartening to see many of the genre’s initiators dismiss the very legacy they built, blaming it on immaturity and mistakes of their past. But let’s be clear, the essence of this artform has always been rooted in radical acts and thoughts, in violence and fierceness. To strip away that fire is to reduce it to mere ashes, devoid of the passion that once ignited its creation.
“Shaarimoth stands steadfast on the foundations upon which this genre was built, honouring the raw intensity and conviction that once defined it. Our journey is not about watering down our message or succumbing to a more pleasant or ‘woke’ approach. Instead, with ‘Devildom’, we fully embrace the dark energies that have always fueled our work. This release is a natural continuation of our artistic and spiritual path, but it also serves as a powerful declaration of our commitment to the devil in all its aspects.
“Shaarimoth will forever remain faithful to the fire that birthed this genre and will continue to channel that ferocity in everything we create, and there’s no more powerful weapon to do so than a spirit on fire.”

Shaarimoth contributed a triptych of spells to the vast infernal collaboration ‘SamaeLilith: A Conjunction Of The Fireborn’. As the transition between ‘Temple of the Adversarial Fire’ and ‘Devildom’, how significant is this unholy union within the Shaarimoth journey to date? Outside of the brief issued by Semjaza, did you at any point feel that there was a hidden hand or energy driving you to create the intense three-fold manifestation that closes out this epic album?
“While I’m not very familiar with the working methods of the other bands, I can say that for us, there’s always been a sense of something far greater at play behind our music. We see ourselves as vessels for the acosmic energies that flow through us, and our role is to convey whatever emerges from the gates we open. Each creation may take different forms, but the essence of our work remains constant.
“Our contribution to ‘SamaeLilith: A Conjunction Of The Fireborn’ is no different, it serves as a bridge between ‘Temple of the Adversarial Fire’ and ‘Devildom’. Each album builds upon the last, creating a solid foundation that anchors our sound while allowing new aspects to rise from the depths. The blood of the old is fertilizer for the new, nurturing our growth. During the creative process, it often feels as though a hidden hand is guiding us, an invisible force urging us to channel these sonic manifestations. One simply needs to be open to this experience, though it’s something the majority will never grasp.
“In the end, it’s about opening ourselves to those energies and allowing them to guide our creations.”

The rich history of Norway when it comes to channelling the dark arts is extensively documented. However, I always got the impression that Shaarimoth operates independently to all of this, as a law unto itself. Not part of any scene or movement. My question is this: going back to the band’s genesis, to what extent were you influenced (musically / ideologically…) by other Black Metal or Death Metal bands or was it more a case of using music as a conduit to channel very specific feelings, energies and ideas that are wholly exclusive / unique to Shaarimoth?
“I’ve never felt that we belong to any specific scene, nor do I think such a thing truly exists anymore. In today’s landscape, what many refer to as the ‘scene’ has become a well-oiled machine, driven by major corporations and commercial interests. The vibrant ideals that once fueled the underground, the spirit of rebellion and authenticity, now lack artistic value and merely recycle whatever style is currently trending.
“In the early days, there was a rawness and urgency that emerged from a desire to push boundaries, challenge norms, and explore the darker aspects of existence. It was about passion, conviction, and the freedom to express oneself without restraint. Unfortunately, those ideals have become diluted over time. What was once a genre of like-minded radicals striving for something beyond just music has morphed into a marketplace where trends too often trump creativity. I’m not saying there aren’t any good new releases, it’s just that genuine music seems too far between.
“Of course, we are consciously and unconsciously inspired by the bands we grew up with, and some influences may be more apparent than others. However, my interest in this artform has always transcended the music itself, the lyrical aspects are just as vital. Without the foundational elements of these genres in place, how can one accurately label it today?
“The human mind is such a fruitful place to plant the seeds of divine potential, and music serves as a powerful tool for articulating ideological convictions. However it’s crucial to avoid using it merely to fit into preconceived notions of what’s expected. It’s far better to look in the mirror and acknowledge that you are an artist and entertainer before branding yourself and your music as black metal. Black metal without a satanic foundation does not exist, and most bands that claim to play black metal seem to have either forgotten or never learned the true meaning of it.
“And no, the philosophy and energies we work with aren’t exclusive to Shaarimoth, anyone who invites the devil to dance is welcome to do so, but they should be aware of the consequences that come with it. We all carve our own path, rooted in the depths of our convictions, and that should always remain the focus. There are no set rules of worship, he hears the voice of every sincere heart.”

Consequences? Is there a price to pay for playing the devil’s music, some sort of Faustian tariff? Or does this only apply to those who dabble with darkness and do not demonstrate complete conviction / knowledge? For Shaarimoth, is the reward much greater than any cost or input into the process? And what is the ultimate reward for you – presumably it is not about record or ticket sales, although obviously these will always be welcome as a means of spreading your word…

Darkness is an incredibly powerful place for transformation. It is not only unsettling but also cruelly inspiring. The path to spiritual awakening is uncomfortable and challenging, an intense time of personal growth that demands everything from you, and nobody will awaken in their comfort zone. Enlightenment is a destructive process, it has nothing to do with becoming better or happier. Instead, it involves the crumbling away of untruths, revealing the facade we so carefully maintain. It’s a complete eradication of everything we once believed to be true.
“As humans, we are programmed with barriers that adapt us to a specific role, but breaking free from this cycle is not a peaceful endeavour. It requires force. Engaging with these energies comes at a cost, a price that applies not only to those who dabble with the powers of darkness but also to those of us who have dedicated years to this journey. I learned this the hard way, opening gates I wasn’t prepared for and failing to respect the powers involved. Through my youthful inexperience, I got burned a few times, which taught me the vital importance of caution and respect.
“One must evolve gradually, facing the consequences sincerely, otherwise, the energies can and will tear you apart. Yet, to confront these challenges and seek spiritual and existential liberation, one must willingly immerse into the unknown darkness. The process of unlearning and rebuilding is profoundly painful. From these wounds, the devil enters, shaping the spiritual journey in unexpected ways, an experience I would never want to be without.
“True worship means sacrificing everything while expecting nothing in return. My pursuit extends far beyond mere sales or recognition, such desires contradict my beliefs. Seeking recognition inflates the ego, which goes against everything I stand for. While I appreciate those with whom our work resonates, this journey remains deeply personal. Spreading the word is necessary, but it runs deeper than that. It is not only about creating outer changes but also internal transformation. It is a ritual expressed through Voces magicae, where words act as vehicles for radical thoughts emerging from the deep, allowing us to manifest energies that are otherwise intangible, acting as a bridge between the unconscious and the conscious.
“To me, music is a powerful form of magic, connecting me to my highest goals. Yes, there is a cost, but the reward far exceeds any mundane expectations. The ultimate reward lies in connecting to something greater – a catalyst for change and a fulfilment that cannot be measured by record sales or ticket numbers. It’s about the transformation that occurs within and the impact we can have on others, creating a ripple effect that transcends the physical realm.”The musicality, musicianship, mood and dynamics on display on ‘Devildom’ are immensely impressive, elevating the release to another level. The album is a rich and varied mosaic of malevolence – one might say ambitious and majestic at times – and it most certainly does not rely solely on the traditional approaches and methodologies of Black or Death Metal for impact, although these are also present. I’m assuming you recorded this as a two-piece?; was it a nightmare to weave together such a complex and accomplished body of work with so much going on or did it all just somehow fall naturally and naturally and intuitively into place?
Thank you for the compliment! It’s always uplifting to hear that our vision for the album resonates with others. The music on ‘Devildom’ was crafted and arranged over many years by Frode and myself, but what was new for this record is that Semjaza recorded the bass and some additional guitar parts. His contributions, along with CSR’s involvement, had a profound impact on the final result. Both are incredibly skilled musicians who brought their own unique touch and spirit to the album.
“The complexity of our work unfolded quite naturally, as we recognize that this kind of music cannot be rushed. Authenticity and sincerity are essential, any superficiality will inevitably surface in the final result. Every note and layer is crafted with intention and precision to ensure our core message is clearly conveyed.
“Our creative process is fluid and unbound by traditional formulas. We don’t follow a strict blueprint, instead, we open the gates to the other side, allowing the music to evolve organically through us. It becomes a journey of discovery, driven by the energy and emotion that resonate within. Ultimately, creating the album involved channelling raw forces and uncovering the right blend of riffs and atmospheres, bringing forth something truly significant and otherworldly.”

Twenty years into this adversarial odyssey, you look better armed than ever to serve the devil – with a new full-length impending, a new extended lineup and presumably some live ceremonies on the way. As darkness takes hold of the world, it almost feels like Shaarimoth is feeding on this energy and getting stronger?
“Indeed, after so many years on this path, Shaarimoth stands more resolute than ever. The imminent release of our new full-length, along with an expanded lineup, signals that we are here to make our mark. Moreover, our next record is already recorded, so there’s a powerful flow emerging from our gates.
“In these tumultuous times, as the world succumbs to an all-consuming darkness, we embrace this energy, allowing it to fuel our creativity and drive our performances. We are committed to harnessing this intensity, transforming it into something transcendent and profound, drawing strength from it and channelling it into our work. This embodies the enduring spirit of Shaarimoth, ever evolving, never compromising, and always ready to serve the holy fire and the forces that dwell beyond.”